About us
Our mission:
OpenCilk aims to make it easy for developers to write fast and correct multicore code, for researchers to pioneer technologies to do so, and for educators to teach and students to learn software performance engineering.
- Tao B. Schardl (MIT), Director, Chief Architect
- I-Ting Angelina Lee (WUSTL), Director, Runtime Architect
- John Carr, Senior Programmer
- Dorothy Curtis (MIT), Project Manager
- Bruce Hoppe, Documentation Specialist and Outreach Coordinator
- Charles E. Leiserson (MIT), Executive Director
- Alexandros Iliopoulos (MIT)
- Timothy Kaler (MIT)
- Matthew Kilgore
- Billy Moses (MIT)
- Kyle Singer (WUSTL)
- Daniele Vettorel (Google)
- Grace Yin
- Brian Wheatman (JHU)
Academic board
- I-Ting Angelina Lee (WUSTL)
- Charles E. Leiserson (MIT)
- Marc Moreno Maza (UWO)
- John Owens (UCD), Chair
- Vivek Sarkar (GATECH)
- Tao B. Schardl (MIT)
OpenCilk is supported in part by the United States Air Force Research Laboratory and the United States Air Force Artificial Intelligence Accelerator and was accomplished under Cooperative Agreement Number FA8750-19-2-1000; in part by the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, under Award Number DE-NA0003965; and in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1925609.
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